Tuesday, Jan 01, 2019 A Message from Marydale – January 2019
The care and feeding of the human condition is complex and requires respect, honor, and vigilance. Everyone knows that food is fuel for the body and that the food choices one makes either build up the cells of this bio-sack of ours or break it down. Offering the body regular exercise designed for our specific person is a vital part of health and happiness, not only for the body, but for the mind as well. Our mental state requires constant engagement in the world with opportunities for expansion, challenge, and fulfillment. Complacency in the continuous care of body-mind affords a risk of emotional instability, vulnerability, and a higher chance of depression and/or anxiety.
Each part of who we are is interdependent, and when one part is out of whack, the repercussions begin to cause problems elsewhere. It’s an intricate balancing act, to be sure, but we are designed to maintain wellness easily by using common sense and living a life of moderation, avoiding conditions that poison us.
The all-important aspect of Soul sitting quietly as the Observer, the eternal Witness, is constantly available to guide us through the challenge of navigating through this dense, complex, material realm. Tapping into this knowing is our saving Grace, our true GPS for a happy, healthy life. We must take the time and effort to allow Soul to be our conscious, subtle companion in each and every breath. Today, through mountains of worldwide research, it has been proven that taking time to go inward, to be in stillness, to meditate, to contemplate, to reach for Oneness, works. Doing so gives tremendous benefits to us for a life that is calm, focused, and better prepared to hold the energy of a healthy experience as a multifaceted being in a challenging world.
I’m very excited to invite you to join us in February as together we embark on our first online study together—Cosmic Source, Cosmic Self—to investigate these matters deeply and to gain techniques to live the life you love. The classes will stream live on Wednesday evenings for an hour over a ten-week period of time. Classes will be recorded for those who cannot attend the live class. Click here for more information and join me for a most excellent adventure into deeper knowing.
With the arrival of 2019 we are being offered the opportunity to up our game as the creator of our own reality, for this is a “3” year in the study of numerology, which indicates: creative self-expression, social interaction, optimism, tolerance, and inspiration. A wonderful platform for self-study and the continued commitment to make your life an on-going Labor of Love.
May 2019 be blessed with all good things for you and yours.
See you on the mat!
All Love, All the time,
“Let us begin this new year with a new light of love and compassion, with a new understanding of seeing good and doing good. Let this new year be a turning point in our lives. Let us all use our precious time to make ourselves divine and ultimately make this beautiful world a real paradise. Wishing you all a prosperous and spiritual New Year.”
— Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, December 23, 2016