Love Serve Meditate Realize

Wednesday, Jan 02, 2013 Marydale’s Message for 2013

I encourage you to join in community as we at Param Yoga pledge to focus on the following throughout 2013:

“We have assured the indwelling Self that it can be anything it accepts and has faith in, and we are now about to develop in it the habit of choosing only those thoughts and ideas that will constructively add good unto it. We are teaching ourselves to accept only good . . . We are deliberately compelling ourselves to accept all love, all kindness, all hope, all joy, all expansion, all abundance, all health, all vigor. We are deliberately compelling ourselves to reject all suffering, all sorrow, all depression, all morbidness, all inferiority, all aches and pains. We are saying nothing is true but the great and the good and the beautiful, only these will we add unto ourselves.” — Uell S. Andersen, Three Magic Words

This year holds great promise for all of us and, as you well know, if you support your growth through your yoga practice, the benefits that will flow into you and through you are unending. I look forward to sharing the path with you with great joy and fulfillment. Peace, peace, peace.

In service,


Wednesday, Jan 02, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 1/02/13

Step into your daily practice with renewed vigor, confident that you are constructing a strong foundation upon which the peace and fortitude in your heart is forever supported.


Tuesday, Jan 01, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 1/01/13

You are extraordinary in every way and I 100% believe in you and your ability to create an extraordinary life for yourself! May great blessings be yours throughout 2013. May you continue to covet the majesty and mystery of all things as you partner with the ever present Divinity within your heart. And so It Is and so I Am.
Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
Peace, Peace, Peace.

