Love Serve Meditate Realize

Saturday, Jun 01, 2019 A Message from Marydale – June 2019


Five years ago, the United Nations initiated June 21st as the International Day of Yoga, commonly called Yoga Day. Narendra Modi, from the UN General Assembly, has written:

“Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well being. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.”

All of us at Param Yoga feel privileged to practice many facets of yoga daily, truly embodying all of the attributes mentioned above and more that yoga offers us. To celebrate, please join us at the studio on Friday, June 21st for a free yoga class followed by a vegetarian potluck. Coming together in community with like-minded people to support, encourage, and energize each other is an important part of being a yogi.

With a heart filled with gratitude, I bow to each one of you for creating the sacred space that we embrace as our yoga home here in Chatsworth. Blessed and grateful each day to be sharing the path with you,

Love, Love, Love,

Marydale Signature


“When we must live in this world, we are not alone. Thus, we must think of others and ourselves. We should use our skill, talent, and whatever we have in a constructive way, making positive contributions to family, friends, community, humanity, or ultimately to God’s creation. Thinking like this improves our quality of living, it improves our attitudes about how to live in the world, and it helps us to help others.”

— Paramahamsa Prajnanananda