Friday, Sep 30, 2016 Communication Secrets for Success
by Bridget Sampson, CEO of Sampson Communications Consulting
How did I find the time and energy to write a book amidst a busy life as a wife, mother, professor, and consultant who travels almost every week for work? Marydale had a lot to do with it. Cherise had a lot to do with it too. When the many obligations and stresses of life start to overwhelm me, I remind myself that there is a magical place where I can let everything go and recharge my batteries. Marydale’s studio is my sanctuary. Just being in Marydale’s presence centers me and fills my heart with love and peace.
I am blessed to be able to do rewarding work that helps people build their confidence as well as experience greater joy and abundance. As a part-time professor at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) for twenty-five years, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed teaching courses such as public speaking, intercultural communication, organizational communication, and interpersonal communication. I strive to help students understand the profound impact of words and the intentions behind their messages.
One of my greatest passions is encouraging my students in the Educational Opportunity Program at CSUN, students who are from low-income backgrounds and are the first generation in their families to go to college. They are brimming with potential and ready to bloom, they just need some seeds and water and it is the greatest pleasure for me to provide those.
As a communication consultant who designs and delivers a variety of training and coaching programs, I seek to elevate the connections between people in the business world, so they can accomplish their professional goals while also mentoring, supporting, and empowering one another.
I have been humbled by the gratitude people have expressed over the years, whether they were my students in the university classroom or senior executives in a corporate conference room. This gratitude also compelled me to offer what I’ve studied and learned in my own life with a wider audience by writing my book, Communication Secrets for Success. I wondered if I could help more people, if I could send a message about compassionate, conscious communication into the world that might be received by the very people who needed it most.
I wanted my book to be for anyone and everyone who would be interested in improving their communication and relationships. I have had young college students and retired seniors alike tell me they gained something from the pages I poured my heart and soul into crafting for over five years. I also wanted the book to be user-friendly, with stand-alone chapters that people could choose from, depending on what’s most relevant for them. There are ten chapters, each with just over ten pages. Some chapters offer my top tips for key relationships in our lives: with ourselves, our romantic partners, our children, our boss, our friends, or people we lead. Other chapters address how to manage challenging communication contexts such as public speaking, intercultural communication, adapting to different personality types, and communicating through technology.
My main goal for the book is for it to be helpful to anyone who reads it or reads any part of it. I put it into the world with love and trust that it will do whatever it is meant to do. To this end, during the month of October I am offering the ebook version of Communication Secrets for Success to Param Yoga students at no charge. For those who prefer to read a physical book, I have a limited number available for the special price of $7 while supplies last. Please email me by October 31st and specify whether you’d like an ebook or print book.
Thank you to Marydale for the gift of Reiki training, which has been life-changing in ways I cannot express. Many thanks to Cherise for helping me to grow and heal myself through the beautiful art of Ayurveda. My regular yoga classes, whether they be with Marydale, Cherise, Sony, Adam, or my dear friend Cindy, who teaches at another location, are necessary for all that I do and give. I would not be who I am without them.
A final thank you to Kirsten, our bright, funny, honest friend (and studio office manager) who I look forward to hearing say, “Bridget!” with sincere enthusiasm every time I show up for class. You are so real, it’s unreal.
Oh wait… just one more… thank you Yoda for your ancient, warm, wise spirit and sweet kisses!
Many blessings to all of you and so much love. I’ll see you at the studio. Namaste.