Sunday, Nov 01, 2015 A Message from Marydale – November 2015

Our studio blessing ceremony in September 2010.
With a grateful heart, I bow to you, our Param Yoga community! It’s been five years now since we opened the doors to our humble sangha and together we have stretched and grown in every way. Thank you for being such a precious part of our community and may you continue to thrive on your yoga journey.
Together, let us anchor the month of November in gratitude as we recognize our great fortune to be experiencing this beautiful life. We embrace the good with the bad, knowing that it is through trials and tribulations that our greatest expansion takes place. We stand strong in our resolve to do our very best each day and let go, refusing to drag the past along with us. Ever turning inward, where our true wisdom, strength and peace reside, we fortify our evolutionary vision through our faithfulness to God and Gurus.
Celebrate your life and everyone in it through the spirit of continuous thanksgiving for this humble posture, which summons continuous grace and presence. Blessed and grateful for you.
All Love,
“Spiritual experience is not a degree or a diploma. When words and the world disappear, you experience the play of Consciousness everywhere.” — Paramahamsa Prajnanananda