Sunday, Jul 01, 2018 A Message from Marydale – July 2018
Namaste Namaste Namaste
Let this simple word be our mantra over the 4th of July holiday.
Namaste – “I bow to the God (Divinity/Spirit/Light) within you,” or “The Spirit within me salutes the Spirit in you” – a knowing that we are all made from the same One Divine Consciousness.”
Take a close look at the photograph on the right of this unusual, magnificent hibiscus. What you don’t see is that it is blooming from a veritable twig of a stem, on what appears to be an incomprehensibly frail plant with a leaf here and there that masks the plant’s actual identity. Then, right there at the very top of a long bare branch blooms this extraordinary flower that demands all who pass to stop and admire its splendor, its uniqueness, its profound beauty.
This tiny expression of life is planted across the walk from my home and I was fortunate to admire it basking in full glory for three days and then, to my chagrin, it closed up and was no more. An ever-so-brief moment in time to grace the earth with its presence and bring a real sense of joy to the world for blooming into its full expression of life.
Many human beings have similar circumstances to overcome as this flower tenaciously made its presence known to the world. If we forget, even for a moment, that the same exact stuff that created all things thrives within all living things, then how can we ever afford to question the innate magnificence within all?
Our forefathers had the vision to note that every man, woman and child has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let us remember that during this week and make it our practice to truly see the Light within all. Change is inevitable, but the basics of our Soul stuff never changes, ever. It continues to expand endlessly to and from Infinity, taking us along for the ride. While happiness was not guaranteed by our forefathers, it was a basic right that they reserved for us. Yogananada made it clear that happiness is not only your God-given right, it is your responsibility to develop happiness every single day as you remember – remember that you are God/Sprit/Light/Source (whatever resonates in your heart). You are Namaste.
Pay Namaste forward on this day and ALL days, for I know through this simple act – your life will be blessed. I bow to you.
Love, Love, Love,
“When we must live in this world, we are not alone. Thus, we must think of others and ourselves. We should use our skill, talent, and whatever we have in a constructive way, making positive contributions to family, friends, community, humanity, or ultimately to God’s creation. Thinking like this improves our quality of living, it improves our attitudes about how to live in the world, and it helps us to help others.”
— Paramahamsa Prajnanananda