Love Serve Meditate Realize

Sunday, Feb 01, 2015 Param Yoga Reads: Marydale’s Thought for the Day, Vol. II

TFTD2 Front CoverThe theme of Marydale’s Thought for the Day, Volume II is love, so we choose it as our Read of the Month, because February is a month devoted to love. As anyone who has connected to the Source within can tell you, love is at the core of everyone and everything in the Universe. It is the essence of who we are. When Marydale sits, asks, and allows the Thought to flow through her, she feels this love and hopes that reading her inspired messages will assist others to tap into this love, as well.

There is a picture of a heart on the cover of Marydale’s Thought for the Day, Volume II, and photographs of hearts—taken by Marydale herself—can be found throughout the book. She wanted to remind readers that living your best life starts with living from the heart. During this month of love, make Marydale’s Thought for the Day, Volume II a Valentine to yourself. Hold the book against your heart, close your eyes, and when you are ready, ask Spirit to give you what you need on this day. Then open the book and read the first Thought you see. May love fill your life throughout the month of February and always.

TFTD2 Front CoverTFTD Front Cover - FINAL (Duplicate)


You can purchase Marydale’s Thought for the Day, Volumes I and II in our online store or at