Love Serve Meditate Realize

Saturday, May 11, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/11/13

How fantastic it is to be a Spiritual Being traveling around this beautiful planet in a magnificent, self-contained, biodegradable, chemical sack. And to be consciously participating, creating and sharing the journey makes it that much more exciting. Wow, what a ride!


Friday, May 10, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/10/13

Why is it that so many of us hold that which is best for us at bay in our lives while we put our attention on mundane, wasteful activities that deplete our energy and sabotage ultimate success and well being?


Thursday, May 09, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/09/13

Every one of us has access to our sixth sense, our intuitive nature. Problem is that most of us ignore the urges, flashes, whispers that emanate from deep inside of us, mistrusting this wisdom. Instead we seek answers and inspiration from outside of ourselves, often giving others the responsibility of guiding us with decisions that are pertinent to our growth, fulfillment and happiness, thus missing rich guidance into our highest good. It’s never too late to hone your skills and learn to trust that part of you that knows. Still yourself, go within and receive.


Wednesday, May 08, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/08/13

You need to hear, again, that love is the most important energy that we have as humans to grow, to learn, to support, to create, to share, to float us and accompany us through this world. When you forget about the importance of love, when you ignore love, when you turn away from love, you cut yourself off from the sustenance of life itself. Turn toward love, open your heart, your mind, your life to love. Allow yourself to be loved and to love deeply in turn. In this alone will you find wholeness drenched in peace, peace, peace.


Tuesday, May 07, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/07/13

When you are in the flow with your life, things begin to show up in the most incredible ways. Everything moves along at the perfect pace with no stress, worry or fear. Your vision is clear, your heart is open and your mind is at peace. This is our natural state of being. Don’t fight it – invite it.


Monday, May 06, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/06/13

Everything is in a constant state of flux for all of us all the time. That is why having a daily spiritual practice is so enriching, as it offers you a platform where daily you get to be reintroduced to who you have grown to be.


Sunday, May 05, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/05/13

Why is it that we humans have such incredibly short memories? We have awesome experiences that prove, without a doubt, that God (Source, the Divine) is alive and active in our lives. We can feel it, we know it, we are in Harmony. Then something happens to knock us “offline” and we begin to doubt if there even is something beyond this human existence. It’s time to determine that the connection is permanent and going offline is not possible, except in your own mind. Relax into remembering this simple truth and all will always be well for you.


Saturday, May 04, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/04/13

Deep at the core of you thrives your true self, who has not and could never forget your Divine Nature. Often you hear or simply discern from this inner knowing of yours just how incomprehensibly huge the whole of you is and that this individuated human you is just a small part of the whole of you. Aligning with the you and You makes this life such fun, joyous and incredibly creative that not doing so makes your very life seem artificial.


Friday, May 03, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/03/13

The magic and mystery of who we are continues to unfold as we allow ourselves to align with unseen forces responsible for guiding us ever onward. Pay attention to the clues as they appear to you along your path, trust in them, take courage and act accordingly. Synchronicity will be yours.


Thursday, May 02, 2013 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 5/02/13

We continue to be the recipients of amazing tools that allow us to connect in a huge, throbbing, human web around the world. How blessed are we to have those who walk among us that hold such great creative energy, foresight and courage to make these, only imagined, gifts a reality for all of us. Great time to be alive and share in this ridiculously wonderful, beauty-filled, morphing world. Lucky us!
