Love Serve Meditate Realize

Friday, Dec 21, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/21/12

Funny that today is supposed to be the end of the world and is, in fact, the first day of winter! May this transition, subtle or cataclysmic, bring you great blessings and joy as you continue to marvel at the thrill of the journey. Wonder-filled, this thing called life.


Thursday, Dec 20, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/20/12

As you approach the new year, do not be tempted to buy into the resolution trap. Rather, cleave to the knowing that your thoughts create your reality. So, if you focus on what you do not want, that is ultimately going to be the reality of your own making. Why not create pure thoughts of exactly who you want to be? See yourself healthy, vital, talented, successful, prosperous, happy and whatever else you truly want to be. Then before your very eyes your life will morph and you will embody the perfect expression of your highest good now. Start today…why waste another precious moment of this…your one and only life as YOU! Beautiful, perfect, you.


Wednesday, Dec 19, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/19/12

Conceive, believe, receive.


Tuesday, Dec 18, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/18/12

Look around yourself. Have you created an environment of spaciousness where you have plenty of room to think, to rejuvenate, to create? Or are you surrounded by unnecessary clutter clogging up your energy? The Universe abhors a vacuum. If you have no space for energy to come into your life, how can you expect your hopes, dreams and wishes to come true? Make room for wonder, for the miraculous, for Grace. After all, 2013 holds great promise for you. Let the positive energy find lots of wide open space in your heart, your mind, your body and your world. Infinite possibilities are yours. Make them so.


Monday, Dec 17, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/17/12

Yesterday, today and tomorrow the Presence of your Soul’s brilliance has shone, does and will continue to shine through the Light in your heart, your eyes and your actions, thus illuminating the path of your life always.


Sunday, Dec 16, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/16/12

Every time you come face to face with yourself, be easy. While it is imperative to know yourself well, it is another thing to be critical and demeaning. This behavior mitigates the essence of your True Self and creates a pattern of negative self talk that leads to dis-ease, struggle and suffering. Stay awake and notice how you relate to you and know that your emotional and mental health remains in your own making. Have respect and honor for yourself on this day and all days.


Saturday, Dec 15, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/15/12

When your heart is broken and filled with despair over something you can do nothing about, turn your consciousness directly toward your faithfulness to a Higher Power. Drop to your knees and pray fervently for all concerned and give it all up. For you are a thread in the tapestry of perfection and yet so tiny in the scheme of all things. There will always be events in your life that happen that you cannot wrap your head and/or heart around. That’s okay. Just surrender, trust and know you are not and have never been alone.


Friday, Dec 14, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/14/12

How will you serve the greater good for all on this day?


Thursday, Dec 13, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/13/12

If it is humanly possible to complete everything that you are doing today, then by all means do it. Leaving things incomplete thinking you will do it “later” or tomorrow or next week is a trap. Why? Because who knows what the future has in store for you? You may be way too busy later doing awesome things to complete what you left undone yesterday. You must create healthy habits that support a healthy lifestyle, and finishing what you start builds self-esteem and confidence in yourself. Leaving things incomplete causes pressure and anxiety, and if you string together a bunch of incomplete tasks, before long you are buried in the rubble of your own making. Everything we do has value. Protect yourself from a downward spiral and do all that you can do, the best that you can do it, to completion today so you may have a fresh start tomorrow.


Wednesday, Dec 12, 2012 Marydale’s Thought for the Day – 12/12/12

12/12/12 – A cosmic door is opening. With our hearts and minds wide open, as well, let us venture forth into the bright future. Infinite possibilities await each of us, beckoned by the still small voice within, to move ahead with fortitude and Grace. The power of our Oneness is unstoppable, anchored in our belief that life is good, we are good, and the goodness of our future is in our own hands, our hearts, and our minds. Wonderful! Exciting! See you in the Bright Light, on the other side.
